Lana x Britnic

Lana x Nokia

Lana for Puma

Lana at Kalmar Art Museum
and Malmö Design Centre
The Happy Ensemble
Lana for Photoliu, the Luxury Edition
Lana for Galateca - Window Design

Horniman Museum- London
Maiastra Exhibition in London
Maiastra Exhibition in Bern and Dublin
Lana in Galleries and Shops
Lana at Design Weeks
Lana at Pasarela/Institut Francais de la Mode Festival
100% Design London

Tenoversix, Los Angeles
Lana at the National Village Museum Bucharest
Lana x Chevrolet
Lana for Avon
Lana x Samsung

Institut Francais

Lana x Dero
Brussels Exhibition
Lana x Lays
Lana for Accu-Check
Lana for Moja Concept Store
Lana- Public Speaking
Lana in Cockaigne Magazine
Lana in Tataia Magazine
Lana for The Institute Magazine
Ireland Fashion Show